A highly compelling novel. The Offering is remarkable in the sustained intensity of its poetic sensibility. One is haunted by...
Read moreMemory, Trauma, Confabulation, and Narrative Identity Play: An Unsettling Puzzle Tariq Abbassi, a French experimental poet of Tunisian origin, has...
The intellect is practical by definition and likes to appear in control: classifying and categorizing; distinguishing between truth and falsehood,...
Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me? Jeremiah 2:21 Und...
Read moreA work of extraordinary beauty and insight. A moving consideration of the tragedies of one man and an evocation of the broader human condition. Read this work to be deeply...
Read moreMemory, Trauma, Confabulation, and Narrative Identity Play: An Unsettling Puzzle Tariq Abbassi, a French experimental poet of Tunisian origin, has lost his children, his memories, as well as his ability...
Read moreThe intellect is practical by definition and likes to appear in control: classifying and categorizing; distinguishing between truth and falsehood, reality and illusion; putting clear ideas and demonstrations first. However,...
Read more“The Offering,” by Salah el Moncef, is primarily a detailed character study about a brilliant poet with an unhinged mind due to traumatic brain injury. The book also contains a...
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